Canoe or Catamaran?
A friend once sent a link to a blog that began with the comical story of two couples canoeing on a lake. The first couple pull their boat to the dock and step out. The other couple park their craft alongside the first. The man in the second canoe steps one foot in the first, hoping to use it as a bridge to the dock. But in doing so, he pushes his own canoe away—with his other foot still in it. As he does the splits, arms thrashing, he plummets headfirst into the water.
Priests in Working Clothes
Wherever you meet a Christ-follower, you meet a priest. The implication? God has sprinkled his priests into all kinds of workplaces—shops, offices, factories, fields, schools, hospitals, and so on.
Salting a Spoiling Culture
Can you think of a more effective way to scatter countless believers among earth’s population than to send them into jobs ranging from accounting to zoology and from Argentina to Zimbabwe?
Down with the Encouragement Deficit
“The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians.” —A. T. Tozer
That of Which We Do Not Speak
When was the last time you heard an entire sermon devoted to the place of our daily work in God’s Kingdom purposes?
Our Young People: Which Workview?
If we do not train our young people to seek God’s Kingdom first—even in their work lives—then the world will fill the vacuum with its own default workview.
E. Stanley Jones on Church and Work
If we lose our way, pushing doggedly on only makes things worse. At such times, we need to pause and look back to discover where we left the path. The insights of E. Stanley Jones, a 20th century missionary to India, can help us get back on track.
How a Bureaucrat Blesses Others
When this woman went for her U.S. citizenship appointment, her interviewer shattered the myth that gospel and government must be kept separate.
Where Rubber Meets Road
Where is the proving ground for faith? How does the God who tested Abraham, the man of faith, put our faith to the test?
Life Happens at Work
Years ago, the church, the corner grocery, the Grange Hall, or similar gathering spots served as the social centers in our society. Today the workplace fills that role. For great numbers of people, life happens on the job—life in all its complexities, pleasures, and pains. How should the local church respond?
Communing with God at Work
How can you commune with God in a workplace full of people who don’t—who may even oppose the idea? Is communing with God best done inside the safe walls of a chapel or “house of worship” where we enjoy the backing of like-minded people around us?
Where Church Meets World
Where is that point or common area where we as Christ-followers regularly intersect our culture?
Bring Your Work to Jesus
Next time you’re tempted to think your work is too small to matter— to people or to God—remember what happened to the fruits of everyday labor in Galilee more than 2,000 years ago.
Audiobook Edition
This work project took me a bit over two weeks to complete. It all began with a challenge from a friend, Victor.
Your Work Speaks
From what I’ve seen, we Christians associate “witnessing” almost exclusively with speech. We think of it as verbalizing the gospel. Voicing the truth. Talking for Jesus. Spoken words, of course, play a vital part in making Christ known. But somewhere along the way, we’ve lost our grip on the truth that our work also speaks. Powerfully.
Strategically Placed
Getting the world to believe God sent Jesus isn’t easy. It takes a powerful force to move world-people from unbelief to faith that, yes, God did indeed send Jesus.
Danger: People at Work
This website zeroes in on work and Christians in the work world. A focus like that has its risks. For some readers, it might feed what we know as “workaholism” or “overachieving.”
Bless the World thru Your Work
So one of God’s purposes in putting you in your workplace is to bless the people and things he created and cares for.
Airport Security and the Scattered Church
What insights can we Christ-followers learn from specialists who spot potential terrorists in airports?